Study In Japan

Japan is a well-known technology giant and a hub for many businesses. The progress of technology and advancement in the Japanese culture into modernization has had its severe effects in its population. The current trend in population growth of Japan is not promising for the otherwise modest, culturally stern and economically strong country. It has an aging population. The low population growth is alarming for the development of the country. This trend of the Japanese population has led its government to launch Global 30 project with the motto of Establishing University Network for Internationalization. Although the legendary universities of Japan attracted students from across the globe for a very long time, the medium of instruction in the universities was Japanese, which was a barrier for students having to learn and study in an entirely new language. With the introduction of the Global 30 project, the number of foreign students increased leaps and bounds as the core universities within this project offered courses in English and provided additional financial support. As the Japanese currency is comparable to Nepalese rupees (Approx. 1 Yen = NRs. 0.96), the living cost in Japan is comparable to that of our homeland. Students are allowed to work for 28 hours per week during the term and around 40 hours during holidays, the wages starts from 1000 Yen. The Japanese universities seek hardworking and intelligent students from countries like Nepal due to which the job prospect both on and off campus is a main highlight of the universities there.